Packing, combining and fortunately grabing all clothes and stuff in craze throwing into bag: on the road! Fifth year in Poznan and for the next time I didn't see the parade, the guy on a horse who pretend saint Martin… What can I say, maybe another time. But there is one thing, typical for this region that every single person who is staying in Poznan at 11th of November need to try: rogal marciński (some kind of croissant). Filling made from white poppy seed, nuts, almonds, with icing on top, that kind of tidbit: only in Poznan. Especially today in Warsaw, because I stopped here for a while in my brothers place. He already went to buy some beers, I have only to check how get to the airport in Modlin tommorow and put all my stuff to bag one more time. Depature at 10.25… Joy and happiness <3
poniedziałek, 11 listopada 2013
RogaLove - Stop before London
Pakowanie, kobinowanie, a w końcu wrzucenie wszystkich ciuchów jak leci, na wariata i w drogę! Piąty rok w Poznaniu i znów nie udało mi się dotrzeć na paradę, znowu nie zobaczyłam kolesia na koniu przebranego za św. Marcina, no ale cóż, nie można mieć wszystkiego, może innym razem… Jest jednak rzecz o której nie zapomni nikt przebywający 11tego listopada w Poznaniu: o rogalu! Nadzienie z białego maku, bakalie, lukier, takie rzeczy tylko w wielkopolsce! Wyjątkowo dziś w Warszawie, bo właśnie tu (po 3h w pociągu) postanowiłam zrobić sobie przystaneczek. Brat właśnie poszedł po piwko, mi zostaje podopychanie ostatnich rzeczy do torby i sprawdzenie jak się dostać na lotnisko w Modlinie. Wylot o 10.25… Radość i szczęście <3
RogaLove - Stop before London on Independence day
Packing, combining and fortunately grabing all clothes and stuff in craze throwing into bag: on the road! Fifth year in Poznan and for the next time I didn't see the parade, the guy on a horse who pretend saint Martin… What can I say, maybe another time. But there is one thing, typical for this region that every single person who is staying in Poznan at 11th of November need to try: rogal marciński (some kind of croissant). Filling made from white poppy seed, nuts, almonds, with icing on top, that kind of tidbit: only in Poznan. Especially today in Warsaw, because I stopped here for a while in my brothers place. He already went to buy some beers, I have only to check how get to the airport in Modlin tommorow and put all my stuff to bag one more time. Depature at 10.25… Joy and happiness <3
Packing, combining and fortunately grabing all clothes and stuff in craze throwing into bag: on the road! Fifth year in Poznan and for the next time I didn't see the parade, the guy on a horse who pretend saint Martin… What can I say, maybe another time. But there is one thing, typical for this region that every single person who is staying in Poznan at 11th of November need to try: rogal marciński (some kind of croissant). Filling made from white poppy seed, nuts, almonds, with icing on top, that kind of tidbit: only in Poznan. Especially today in Warsaw, because I stopped here for a while in my brothers place. He already went to buy some beers, I have only to check how get to the airport in Modlin tommorow and put all my stuff to bag one more time. Depature at 10.25… Joy and happiness <3
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