"Część właściwa" podróży obejmowała 2 dni na łódce tzw. slowboat.
Po przekroczeniu granicy na piechotę, wbiciu stempli i wizy znów musieliśmy czekać - busik był niestety zbyt mały jak na naszą liczną grupę więc jechaliśmy na dwie tury. Nie wzruszyło to zbytnio nikogo, łódka bez nas nie odpłynie... raczej. Zrobiliśmy sobie więc mały piknik, pograliśmy w karty aż w końcu i nas zgarnięto do busa (radość, że przez kolejne 2 dni moja zacna pupa w nim nie zagości była nie do opisania).
Zjedliśmy po wypasionej bagietce w prowizorycznym porcie i rozsiedliśmy się w fotelach. Wiatr we włosach, hałas silnika, słońce, widoki po drodze, woda, która bardziej przypominała kolorem błoto. Płyniemy po Mekongu! Niby nic takiego ale... wierzcie lub nie ale ta rzeka to istna potęga, w porze deszczowej szczególnie (zrobiłam wywiad) ;)
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http://www.boatsandrice.com/ |
Poszliśmy na jedzenie i piwko do jedynej, względnie wyglądającej knajpy - indyjskiej :D Wierzcie lub nie, ale po jakimś czasie jedzenia w kółko makaronu ryżowego/ryżu czasem trzeba po prostu zjeść coś innego. Kolejny rodzinny biznes i obsługujące nas dzieci.
Każdy prawie słyszał o tym jak prawo w Azji jest restrykcyjne jeżeli chodzi o narkotyki. Cóż... ja zauważyłam, że praktycznie nikt nie zwraca na to uwagi. W Pai ludzie wcinali grzyby, W Pak Beng właściciel guesthouse'u palił opium z mymi znajomymi z bambusowej fajki, a zielsko? Było dostępne wszędzie. Ot taka narkotykowa hossa.
Drugi dzień był podobny do pierwszego, jeżeli chodzi o rozrywki. Choć więcej osób spało i panował większy spokój, czas się dłużył. Bo ile można siedzieć na tyłku (zamiast busa - łódź, płaskodupie murowane???
ENG version :)
"Main" trip for which we all were waiting for was journey on slowboat down the Mekong river.After
crossing the border on foot, getting the stamps and visas we had to
wait, again - minibus was a way too small for our large group. Well, we get used to that, the boat hopefully gonna wait for us... hopefully.
So we had a little picnic, played some card games (joy that for the next two days my noble ass won't be sitting in minibus was indescribable). Had a nice baguette in kind of little harbor and finally sat in slowbaot's "armchairs". The wind in hair, noise of engine, sun, the views along the way and the water which was more like the mud. We are on Mekong! Believe it or not but this river is a real power, especially in the rainy season (interviewed) ;)
Well, as you can easily guess on the boat we had whole lot of entertainment - turned into a mini party. Cards, chips, whiskey, biscuits, beers... Everybody were talking with each other and the hours were passing extremely quickly. We reached Pak Bend early in the evening (in Asia it was getting dark veeery quickly). I met a bunch of people on the boat (the Dutch, Australian, British) and follow them when we got ashore.
We expected what we saw - Lao people were already waiting for us and trying to convince us for staying in their guesthouses. Rule No. 1 - haggle up! Don't go with random person who will give you a acceptable price, it's always possible to find cheaper accommodation ;) Mates from the boat choose one of the guesthouses and I bargained for myself single room cheaper than a room for 3 people (it cost me some $5, I think, maybe even less).
We went to eat something "normal" (after whole day with snacks) to the only nice looking place - Indian Hasan Restaurant. Believe it or not but after eating all the time rice noodles/rice sometimes you just need to eat something else. Another family business and working children.
Everyone has heard about it how law is strict if it comes to drugs in Asia. Well... I noticed that virtually no one pays any attention on that. In Pai people ate mushrooms like crazy, in Pak Beng owner of our guesthouse smoked opium with my friends from a bamboo pipe, weed? It was available everywhere. Whatever you like.
The second day was similar to the first one = kinda entertaining. Although more people were sleeping and rest was just quiet. Because for how long you can sit on your butt??? Instead of the bus - boat, flat ass guaranteed.
So we had a little picnic, played some card games (joy that for the next two days my noble ass won't be sitting in minibus was indescribable). Had a nice baguette in kind of little harbor and finally sat in slowbaot's "armchairs". The wind in hair, noise of engine, sun, the views along the way and the water which was more like the mud. We are on Mekong! Believe it or not but this river is a real power, especially in the rainy season (interviewed) ;)
Well, as you can easily guess on the boat we had whole lot of entertainment - turned into a mini party. Cards, chips, whiskey, biscuits, beers... Everybody were talking with each other and the hours were passing extremely quickly. We reached Pak Bend early in the evening (in Asia it was getting dark veeery quickly). I met a bunch of people on the boat (the Dutch, Australian, British) and follow them when we got ashore.
We expected what we saw - Lao people were already waiting for us and trying to convince us for staying in their guesthouses. Rule No. 1 - haggle up! Don't go with random person who will give you a acceptable price, it's always possible to find cheaper accommodation ;) Mates from the boat choose one of the guesthouses and I bargained for myself single room cheaper than a room for 3 people (it cost me some $5, I think, maybe even less).
We went to eat something "normal" (after whole day with snacks) to the only nice looking place - Indian Hasan Restaurant. Believe it or not but after eating all the time rice noodles/rice sometimes you just need to eat something else. Another family business and working children.

Everyone has heard about it how law is strict if it comes to drugs in Asia. Well... I noticed that virtually no one pays any attention on that. In Pai people ate mushrooms like crazy, in Pak Beng owner of our guesthouse smoked opium with my friends from a bamboo pipe, weed? It was available everywhere. Whatever you like.
The second day was similar to the first one = kinda entertaining. Although more people were sleeping and rest was just quiet. Because for how long you can sit on your butt??? Instead of the bus - boat, flat ass guaranteed.
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